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Our Achievements

  • All Age DatabaseCompleted

    Development of the All-Age Database

    Significant progress has been made in creating a regional all-age database for paediatric cardiac and adult congenital heart (ACHD) patients. All Level 1 and Level 2 centres are now onboard, and the database is being developed in collaboration with Mediwave. This project aims to streamline patient data management, ensuring that no patients are lost to follow-up and offering insights into service demand and patient flow.
  • Expansion of EducationCompleted

    Training and Education Initiatives

    The network continues to expand its educational efforts, hosting numerous successful study days for both paediatric and adult CHD professionals. Highlights include: - ACHD Nurse Study Day (June 2023) with 56 delegates attending. - A Paediatric CHD Study Day focusing on single ventricle patients, which welcomed over 54 delegates. - Ongoing ACHD and fetal cardiology educational programs, enhancing the skills and knowledge of healthcare providers across the region - Education Task and Finish Group helping to develop a training and education plan for all health professionals in the network (Link to 7.2) For more information about previous and upcoming events please visit our events page (Link to 6.2)
  • PPV GroupCompleted

    Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Engagement

    The PPV group has played an active role in supporting the network, including co-producing events like Patient Information Days and supporting a Young Persons Outdoor Event. The network also prioritises patient feedback, with initiatives like the Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREMS) survey, which has led to concrete actions to improve patient care. Please visit the PPV section of this website for more information (Link to Page 3.1)
  • Patient ExperienceCompleted

    Learning Disability (LD) Forum

    The LD Forum meets once a month and has helped to improve the experience of patients with learning disabilities and autism when they need to come to hospital. They have developed a checklist of reasonable adjustments and are visiting hospitals in the network to ask providers whether they can provide these simple changes. They have also helped co-produce events specifically for people with learning disabilities. Click here to see what happened at an open day at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Please visit our learning disability page for more information (Link to page 2.11)
  • Governance FrameworkCompleted

    Enhanced Clinical Governance

    The network has embedded a robust clinical governance framework, with meetings that regularly bring together over 30 members of the multidisciplinary team. This framework supports incident and mortality reviews, driving improvements in patient safety and care delivery. For more information please visit our Clinical Governance Page (7.6)
  • Job Sharing ModelCompleted

    Focused Leadership Through Job Sharing

    The Network has embraced a job-sharing model for its Lead Nurses, allowing two specialists to share a full-time role. This innovative approach has sharpened the Network’s focus: one Lead Nurse drives education, training, and research initiatives, while the other champions quality improvement and patient engagement. This focused leadership structure strengthens our ability to enhance both professional development and the patient experience across the network.
  • Patient FeedbackCompleted

    Network PPV Group

    The Network PPV Group has helped to co-produce a patient survey to ensure that the patient experience is being measured and results in positive changes. Please click here to find out more (Link to page 3.4)
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