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North West, North Wales & The Isle of Man Congenital Heart Disease Network, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Email:


The Congenital Heart Disease Standards and Specifications, NHSE 2016, outline the requirements for delivering high-quality care to individuals with congenital heart disease throughout their lives. The role of nurses is integral to delivering this standard.The Network is committed to developing a highly skilled nursing workforce who are able to provide this expert care.

Training and Development Our nursing colleagues have access to training and education events hosted by the Network. Please visit Training and Development

Link Nurses
In line with these standards the Network has developed paediatric and adult cardiac link nurse groups. These are two separate groups of nurses who meet via Teams on an 8 weekly basis. This provides an opportunity to network with other link nurses and to access regular training and resources. The Network supports each link nurse by providing a set of competencies to help with their training and development. Alongside this each link nurse will be allocated a mentor. These groups are facilitated by the Lead Nurse for the Network. Please contact us via if you are a paediatric or adult nurse who would be interested in knowing more or joining either of these two groups.

If you would like to know more about the role of the paediatric cardiac link nurse – please click here. NWCHDN_26.4_Paed_Link_Nurse_Role_Description_09-06-21.pdf

To access a copy of the paediatric link nurse competencies please click here

If you would like to know more about the role of the ACHD link nurse – please click here


To access a copy of the ACHD link nurse competencies please click here

RCN Guidelines

The RCN has two publications providing recommendations on the education and training requirements, supported by competency frameworks and clearly defined career pathways to ensure consistent and high-quality care delivery, this reflects the key roles outlined within the CHD standards (NHSE, 2016)
Click to access the Paediatric RCN guidelines Children and Young People’s Cardiac Nursing | Royal College of Nursing

Congenital Cardiac Nurse Association (CCNA)

The Congenital Cardiac Nurses Association (CCNA), is the only UK association dedicated to representing the voice of those involved or have an interest in paediatric cardiology throughout the UK and Southern Ireland. It is also open to nurses involved in the care of ACHD patients

Visit CCNA

British Adult Congenital Cardiac Nurse Association(BACCNA)

BACCNA provide a forum for nurses with an interest in adult congenital heart disease to communicate & network facilitating professional support & promoting high quality care for patients.
This includes educational events twice per year that facilitates networking, sharing of best practice, applying evidence to practice, & promoting the role of the ACHD nurse


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