Congenital Heart Network

CHD Board


Carolyn Cowperthwaite

Carolyn Cowperthwaite is our Network Board Chair, with a distinguished 38-year career in the NHS. Beginning her journey as both a paediatric and adult nurse, Carolyn has developed an unparalleled understanding of lifetime health services.
Senior Management Roles
Over the last 12 years, Carolyn has excelled in senior management roles across medical and surgical divisions, refining her leadership, collaboration, and service development skills.
Research Trials
Research has always been a key interest for Carolyn. She has led numerous projects and trials, presenting her findings at regional, national, and international conferences.

As Chair, I am dedicated to fostering a compassionate, collaborative approach that ensures the highest quality of care for every patient across our network."

A Well-Represented, Engaged, and Active Board

Our Board

An effective governance structure relies on a Board that is both well-represented and actively engaged. Our Board is specifically designed to provide strong leadership and clear direction, ensuring the network’s strategic goals are consistently met across the entire region.

Our Board brings together a diverse group of executive representatives from various organisations, including healthcare providers, commissioners, and the Network itself. These representatives have the authority to authorise strategic plans and allocate essential resources on behalf of their organisations. This diverse and unified representation enables the Board to make well-informed decisions that genuinely reflect the needs, priorities, and interests of all stakeholders involved in the delivery of services.

We also ensure the inclusion of representatives from our Patient and Public Voice group at every Board meeting, a practice that reinforces our commitment to patient-centred care by keeping the patient firmly at the heart of all we do. This inclusion ensures our decisions are guided by the real experiences and needs of those we serve.

To maintain the network’s strategic direction and improve service delivery, it is essential that Board members remain fully engaged. Their involvement includes actively participating in network activities, contributing valuable insights, and helping to shape decisions that drive service improvements. By fostering a culture of collaboration and unwavering commitment, the Board ensures that the Network consistently delivers high-quality care and enhances outcomes throughout the patient pathway

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